9:07, President Bob Ferlazo brought mtg. To order.

Meeting minutes from 2012 meeting were read and accepted.

Joanne stepped down from her position as secretary. Carla Ely volunteered and was nominated and elected.

Continuing directors, Renee and Tim. Replacing Frank is Rod. All voted in for 3 yr term.

The position of president, currently held by Bob, is up for re-election. The position requires writing grants for state money. At the end of the meeting, Tim Brown volunteered and was elected to take on the position of CLA president. Because of Tim's election to president, Rick Ferlazo will take his place as director. This was voted in favor by the members.

Last year CLA was granted 15,000. This year the amount of grant money was divided among all associations that requested money resulting in a lesser amount of 5,000.

CLA needs grant money and donations to meet all its expenses and payroll for boat launch greeter, accountant and divers.

It was noted that the present boat greeter has been doing a great job and will hopefully continue in this position. A report from the greeter suggests that the position is very worthwhile in keeping invasive species out of the lake.

Ed Helm explained the situation that the local swim program is in. This used to be a town program until last year. This yearn the town did not appropriate any money for the program so the parents of the swimmers organized it themselves. Due to some questions about how the payment for the instructors was handled, the parents have disbanded. Ed asked if the CLA would like to explore joining with the parents to help them receive money for the program.

Bob quoted the CLA by laws which clearly sate that our mission involves the prevention of invasive species getting into the lake, water quality and education of the public about those two items.

With that information a vote was taken whether to get involved with the swim program. The vote was No.

Frank said that with help, he would resume the job of gathering signatures of registered voters of Barton to send to the town for appropriations. 10% of the registered voters must sign, equalling about 120 signatures. Mrs Hathaway, Mrs Valley and Roland volunteered to help.

A vote was held on how much money the CLA should ask for from the state. 10,000 was determined to be the amount needed to cover all costs and payroll. CLA voted in favor of this amount.

Membership fee collection was discussed. CLA needs to reach out to lake and region community to increase members. It was voted in favor of implementing both an email and postal out reach. The address of the CLA will be included in all communication to facilitate the giving of Donations. The address is PO Box 872 Barton VT.

Tim will mail out letters to all people on the secretary's list. This will hopefully result in a larger, more up to date member list. Tim said he would cover the mailing expenses himself. A record of these expenses needs to be kept for end of year report.

Tim said that at one time the CLA had a website.....Rod volunteered to work on the website and make online donations possible.

It was also noted that this years picnic for the CLA at the state beach brought out a good number of people and will be continued next year.

Sinking boat houses:

A member TBD brought up the ongoing concern about the sinking boathouses in the outlet. They are a danger to the public and an eyesore. They also cause lots of junk to get stuck in the sinking structures. The biggest roadblocks in their removal is the train tracks directly behind them. It is against the law to travel over these tracks in order to remove debris. Bob said he had some contacts in the railroad and would investigate the options.

The same member also brought up the continued issue of boats parking in the outlet. This is not good for the health of the lake since these boats can drag the milfoil in the outlet into the lake.

Outlet condition, divers report:

The august divers report stated that a small patch of milfoil was found in the outflow area of the lake. Found only small plants, will check again 1st week of september.

Ann Bove, from the agency of natural resources also checked the outlet and reported LOTS of small plants along the shoreline of the outlet with a large possibility that they could migrate into the lake.

Since these two reports contradicted one another, Bob has asked Ann and the divers for more information.

A concern that the divers first survey was conducted too early in the season (first part of June) was mentioned by a member and agreed to by another member. There also seems to be a problem with the divers reporting back.

At this time, it was agreed to wait until we get the September survey and see what it says.

We also were educated in the dangers that a possible leak in the tar-sand pipeline could have on Crystal Lake. Ed Helm brought a map which shows the path of the pipe line which runs very close to the lake. He encouraged all members to become more educated and involved in this potential issue.

Meeting adjourned.

Help support us!

Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

$20, $50, $100..


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