Attendees: Tim, Dean, Andy, Carla (by phone)

Review of fall minutes:

Term limits-keep the same

Change "treasurer was elected" to "has to be the town clerk"

Fall meeting: change from specific date to "one weekend"


11300.00 now in the bank. Additional 5000 finishes the grant money.

Things looking favorable for CLPA to get grant thanks to the work of Andy t,frank menard,dean lawes and Lucille lawes.

Goals for 2014:

Continue greeter program, gain control of the milfoil in the outlet.

It was noted that the CLPA thinks Andy t. Does a great job with the greeter program. We will continue the hours of 6am till 6 pm for the greeters. Pay will remain at 9$ an hour. The greeters work from Memorial Day until Labor Day. If finances permit, that may be extended another week or longer into the fall.


Divers have submitted report and map . The question was raised if the divers spring exploration of the lake in early may is too early. CLPA wonders if milfoil is growing that early in the spring. Tim will ask the divers to participate in CLPA meetings by phone. That way they can explain the report and answer any question we may have.

Outlet: dean is going to explore the outlet himself for the presence of milfoil. Anne Bove will be holding an invasive species class on June 18th. Place tbd.

The CLPA agrees with Ann Bove’s recommendation to continue manually harvesting the milfoil. No type of barrier or chemical treatment is needed.


the CLPA would like an update from rod.

Another summer picnic open to the public will be held. Hopefully gain new members.

Tim would like to write an article for the chronicle thanking the town for the grant money. Would be great if we could reference a website in the article.

Updates since meeting:

From Tim,

Good news! We were approved for $7,970 for this year in our State grant.

I have Chris Sheldon lined up to do the diving surveys and asked him to call in for our meetings.

Hope the weather is improving!



From Rod,

I finally reached out to Power Shift Web solutions in Stowe. I am try to get the web address secured for our use, just plain crystallake was taken in Illinois.. After that I should be able to publish our content and hook up donation capability.. Sorry it’s taken so long..

Once we get it up and running we can send out a email blast to owners we have emails for and ask for donations..


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Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

$20, $50, $100..


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