


Robert Patton (802) 274-7016

2572 Lakeview RD Barton VT 05822

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Summary of Work:

First Day of Work: July 4, 2022

Last Day of Work: July 19, 2022

Total Days Worked: 4.94 Days

Total Hours Worked: 39.5 Hours

Total Buckets Removed: 265 Buckets (1 Bucket = 18 Gallons / 25-75 lbs)

Locations of DASH Harvesting:

Outlet River

Here is a Map showing this location shown in Blue


Permittee(s): Crystal Lake Preservation Association Co-Permittee(s): Robert Patton Permit Number: 3754-ANC-H Control Activity: Powered Mechanical Device – Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting Control Location: 44.745986, -72.172973 Waterbody: Crystal Lake, Barton

Outlet River

This the only location of that requires DASH Harvesting in Crystal Lake and Eurasian Water Milfoil has been in this area a very long time (At least 12 years). Past containment and eradication efforts have consisted of hand pulling however, no cumulative progress was made against the EWM in the outlet. This is why we needed to use of the DASH technique, which has been successful its first year. 

265 Buckets of EWM were removed in a little under 5 days of work. This is an exceptionally large amount of invasive plant material to remove in a small and shallow area. The abundance of EWM in the outlet area will mean that we will have to utilize DASH there again next season. We will also need to spend some time closer to the beginning of the outlet where some EWM plants have started to grow, and eradication is needed to prevent any plants from this location from getting into the lake body itself. 

Our recommendation to the CLPA is to begin next season with a full very thorough survey of the entirety of Crystal Lake before returning to operations in of concern in the outlet. Historically, invasive plants that have been found are right along the underwater drop off straight out from the Vt Rte. 5 boat launch. These plants have been hand pulled and have not needed DASH procedures. With the lake surveycompleted, and it can be determined that no additional DASH action is required, we will move to the outlet area where we worked in 2022, and harvest whatever EWM we find there.

It is our belief that following this plan of action will possibly decrease the need for additional DASH action after 2023 to eradicate and or control EWM in the outlet area. However, since the targeted area is very shallow and has had such high density of EWM growth, it may take longer to control. 

Swampguana Diving L.L.C. thanks the Crystal Lake Preservation Association for choosing our company, and we look forward to continuing to work with the CLPA in its Aquatic Nuisance Control efforts in 2023.

Robert Patton

Swampguana Diving L.L.C.

[Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Aquatic Nuisance Control (ANC) Grant-in-Aid funds were used to develop the product.]


Crystal Lake Boat Inspections

Final Report

1 October 2022

As was the case in the last few years the inspection season began with a virtual workshop reviewing Covid protocols and inspection procedures.  The workshop was attended by our three inspectors and me.  At the workshop it was announced that all inspection reporting would continue to be digital online, using a spreadsheet provided by the Department of Environmental Conservation.  Once again, the DEC  offered to loan associations an iPad to record inspection data and upload it to them, but logistical problems such as storing, charging and security continue to make that impossible for us.  This year, therefore, we continued the time-consuming process of collecting the information in a log book and then manually copying it to their spreadsheet and transmitting it each day to the DEC.

As customary, our inspections began for Memorial Day weekend on May 28th and continued daily from 6AM to 6PM through Labor Day.  We were fortunate to have our three inspectors from last year (Richard Romaine, Raymond Arnold and Bill Ruggles) return for this season.  Many organizations in our area have found it difficult to find and maintain staff, and we are lucky to have these very reliable inspectors working for us.

Prior to putting the launch dock into the water in early May, it was discovered that one of its large floats was leaking and could not support the dock.  Given the supply chain problems at that time it appeared that the float could not be replaced until July and that launching boats would be much more difficult.  We were very grateful to Mike Wichrowski of VT Fish and Wildlife who managed to find a float and get the dock set up just in time for Memorial Day weekend.

The weather this summer has followed a common pattern, starting out cold and wet followed by slow improvement.  As a result, boating activity and inspections were somewhat low in May and June but increased in July.  A total of 1,554  watercraft were inspected as shown by month in the following table.  This is slightly less than the number of inspections during the Covid pandemic.

Month          Number of Inspections

May              70

June              277

July              709

August         414

September   84

Total            1,554

- 2 -

The decrease in boating activity led to a corresponding decrease in plant life intercepted on boats being launched and retrieved. In addition, the invasive species awareness created among boaters by the Greeter Program also appears to be a major factor.  As shown in the following table we had only 2 interceptions this year, both of which were native plants.

  Date           Identification         Source

21 Aug          Pondweed            Caspian Lake

26 Aug          Elodea                 Newark Pond

  5 Sep           Pondweed            Crystal


In addition to the above aquatic species that were intercepted there were numerous findings of  land based sources such as grass, leaves and dirt acquired while boats were being stored.  These boats were decontaminated but were not included in the above list since they did not present a hazard to the lake..  An increased awareness of invasive species can be attributed to the Greeter Program educating boaters and providing an incentive for them to check their boats before our pre-launch inspection.  About half the boaters stop at the access and inspect their boats before taking them for our inspection.  Many also report washing their boats when they get home.

As in previous years kayaks, canoes and paddleboards have accounted for about 45% of launches this year.  Plant material is sometimes found on them and their owners' equipment, so they are also inspected while entering and leaving the lake.

Our inspection data was uploaded in digital form to the Department of Environmental Conservation on a daily basis.  Since we had no means to securely store or charge an iPad the data had to be transcribed and submitted manually.  Although inspection data was submitted by most sites on a daily basis there was no way for us to view and relate these data in real time.  It is our hope that the DEC will create a website next year where the collective data from all inspection sites can be viewed on a daily basis to better understand boating traffic and identify trends and potential problems.

We are grateful to the Town of Barton and the Department of Environmental Conservation for the funds they provide us each year.  We're also grateful to the boaters who use the launch site in a very respectful manner.  For the most part boaters and fishermen are well-informed and cooperative about fighting invasive species.  Most are apologetic when plants are found on their boats or equipment, but some just shrug it off and will probably do it again.

The Agency of Natural Resources has described Crystal Lake as one of the cleanest lakes in Vermont and we wish to extend a big thank you to our inspectors for their role in keeping it that way.

Submitted by Andy Treiber


Photos from the Crystal Lake Preservation 2021 Milfoil survey and removal


As of Early August 2021, your CLPA team and our master Diver Rob have completed 3 lake surveys and harvested over 15 gallons of Milfoil from our Lake. The overall status is that about 10 plants have been harvested from the South end “hot spot” and much more (the rest of the 15 gallons, see pictures below) have come from the outlet hot spot over the dives.

Here are some pictures of the work in action. Our job is to keep this from expanding and clogging up our precious lake. 



Rob the diver surveying and harvesting in our South End Hot Spot, and the plants harvested at that location on our 2nd dive of the year.. The 2 plants below, show the native (good) plants on the left (more pink and smaller more concentrated leaves) and the Eurasian Milfoil (Bad) Plants on the right, wider, more green leaves, taller plant with more spaced out leaf structures..

And finally, the 10 gallons harvested on our last visit to the outlet hotspot (2 big bags).  

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Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

$20, $50, $100..


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