Date: August 5,2017

Place ; pageant Park

Time : 10am

Meeting called to order by Tom Nelson


Attendees:Tom Nelson, Dean & Joanne Lawes, Sandy & Elizabeth Bjorkman, Rod & Carla Ely, Cathy Swain, Richard Ferlazo, Andy Treiber, Ramona McCarthy, Blair Bessett, Elizabeth Trail, Karen Brown



-Provided by Kristen Atwood ( refer to actual report for all details)

-Account balance as of August 4, 2017 = $13,084.61( 2016 balance was $7433.68)

-Note that this is twice as much as last year at this point , however this is deceptive , as the Grant Year is July 1-June 30

-The State Grant application February 2017 was cut from $7820 to $4820, however the Town of Barton incresed their funding by $2000 up to $12,000.- -Approximately $700-$800 has been collected in dues year to date. The plan  going forward is to send out a membership letter in the spring of 2018 to encourage more donations. Flyers were sent out to 119 individuals in close proximity to the lake in the spring of 2017 to educate and inform folks about the CLPA.



-2017 Annual meeting minutes- were reiewed and accepted

-Membership efforts were successful

-Dean and Joanne Lawes  contunued their work on a Master Roster

-Website update: Rod Ely reports that the web-site framework is complete and information is in ,and can be updated as needed. The site is Individuals can donate on the site using pay pal. Rod plans to work on developing a facebook page.

- the Barbecue on July 1, 2017 was enjoyed by all in spite of the rain. Thanks to Tom and Estelle Nelson and Joanne and Dean Lawes for organizing and cooking!



-Mr Patton, a resident of Glover and certified diver coordinated the dives this summer along with volunteers and local professional divers. Dives were held on July 9 and 22 . Seven gallons and 5 gallons of millfoil were found on those respective dives. On July 22 the booms were moved. The consensus is that having local divers and volunteer divers is more desirable then an out of down company. It was noted that Shadow Lake is at 0% milfoil.



-There was a 10% decrease in boat activity this summer

- 520 boats were inspected with 4 interceptions of plant matter, which were not milfoil. One person refused inspection ,and one person dumped some oil in the Lake. In the near futur the Game Warden can be contacted if individuals refuse a an inspection, and then they can then be fined.

-It was noted that the new dock is a great improvement



-The summer picnic will be planned for early July for 2018 as was the case this year. It will be held at Pageant Park.  

-Elizabeth Trail a reprter from the Chronicle was at the Annual meeting and spoke to a number of folks about CLPA and plans to have an article submitted to the paper

-Elections were held , Tom Nelson will contnue as President, Dean Lawes as Vice President , Andy Treiber will continue to manage the Inspectors and Greeters, and Karen Brown will remain as secretary. Members at large are Tim Brown and Rene Leblanc and Rod Ely. 


Submitted by: Karen Brown

Help support us!

Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

$20, $50, $100..


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