Become a member of the CLPA!

 If you are a lake property owner, visitor, or just a fan of Crystal Lake please consider joining our association. You and all the members of your household can become annual members and your dues go directly to the CLPA’s Aquatic Nuisance Control efforts and education programs. As a member of the CLPA you are invited to our annual meeting, summer barbeque celebration, and are an integral part of all the good work being done to keep Crystal Lake the beautiful, natural resource it is for years to come! Individual dues are $20 and the entire household can join for just $40. Either fill out this form and send via USPS mail to the address below, or click Donate below and donate via paypal and we will add you as a member of the Crystal Lake Preservation Association.

New Members:

Name: _____________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Household members: __________________________________________________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________________

(Note – all information is kept private and not shared by the CLPA)

Please send completed application information and dues to: 

Crystal Lake Preservation Association

34 Main Street

Barton, Vermont 05822


The Crystal Lake Preservation Association relies on the generous donations to prevent the spread of Eurasian Milfoil and to educate people how to protect the lake. Please donate to help support our efforts by clicking the donate button below using PayPal. Thank you!


Help support us!

Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

$20, $50, $100..


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