Purpose: The Crystal Lake Preservation Association is formed to preserve the water quality of the lake, to take actions including but not limited to removal of milfoil and other invasive species, and to further support those goals through public education.

Operating Bylaws

  • Elected Officers.
    The term of office for the officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) shall be for two years. Elections when needed will occur at the annual meetings.
    The Directors of the Association shall serve three- year terms, said terms to be staggered so that only one needs to be elected at each annual meeting.
    • President:  This officer should lead in the planning of the fund raising and any other activities of the Association. This officer calls and presides at all Association meetings and has the responsibility of creating the agenda for each meeting. The President has the authority to expend funds with the concurrence of a majority of the Board of Directors.
    • Vice President: This officer works closely with the president so as to be an advisor and to be able to preside at meetings when necessary.
    • Secretary: The main duty of this officer is to take minutes of each meeting, and to transcribe and distribute the minutes within ten days of the meeting. The Secretary is to distribute the agenda for an upcoming meeting one week prior to the meeting date upon receipt from the President. The secretary is to maintain the membership list as there is no need for a membership committee.
    • Treasurer: This officer is to be the person through whom all financial transactions pass. A financial report should be available to all Association members at the start of each meeting, and this report should include receipts and expenses of all funds. 
    • Executive Board:  (Amended by action of the membership at the Annual Meeting of August 7, 2004.) This group is made up of the three Directors and the four Officers of the Association. Any pertinent information of the activities of the Executive Board will be sent to the members instead of a regular quarterly report. (Amended by action of the membership at the Annual Meeting of August 6, 2022.) That former CLPA Directors, who are members in good standing and have a history of substantial contribution to the Association of at least 5 years or more, may continue to serve as “Directors at Large”. In such capacity “Directors at Large” may attend CLPA Executive Board meetings and continue to contribute to the productivity and success of the association regardless of their personal residence location or occupational status. “Directors at Large” may vote when attending Executive Board meetings in the absence of a current director, or to fill an existing vacancy in a director position.
    • In case of the incapacity of any officer or director of the Association to perform their duties, the Board of Directors can appoint a replacement to serve until the next annual meeting.
  • Membership:  (Amended by the action of the membership at the Annual Meeting of August 7, 2004, to take effect at the next annual meeting.) The only requirement for membership in the Association is the payment of a dues fee of $20.00 per member or $40 per Family annually. Any necessary fees can be set at the annual meeting.
  • Meetings: There will be an annual meeting of the Association on a date to be announced during the month of August in each year. A quorum for any meeting of the Association is three members of the Executive Board. Meetings are to be conducted under Robert’s Rule of Order. Other meetings of the Association can be called by the President, by three members of the Executive Board, or by 10% of the membership. For any special meeting, advance notice of at least ten business days is required. The by-laws of the Association may be amended at the Annual Meeting

Help support us!

Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

$20, $50, $100..


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