
L to R: Dean Lawes, Jeff Hill, and Tom Nelson. More photos available in the Gallery.

CLPA members and current officers got together in early September 2016 to patrol areas of Crystal Lake in search of Milfoil and invasive species. As a part of this year’s efforts by the CLPA leadership to reinvigorate the CLPA’s lake preservation efforts, Dean Lawes, Jeff Hill and Tom Nelson took advantage of a beautiful late summer day on Crystal to do some volunteer searching of the lake bottom for Milfoil plants. The CLPA members used personal equipment such as snorkeling gear, floatation devices, tow ropes and the Lawes’s “Lake Escape II” vessel to cover a very large area of the south end near the boat launch where plants have been reported in the past. A second expedition the following week included a local diver who may be hired for next year’s summer program and another large area of the lake was covered. During both outings the CLPA members were successful in spotting and harvesting Milfoil plants. Foul weather caused a cancellation of a third expedition on September 22nd however, the members were pleased with the efforts. They developed a plan for more comprehensive, efficient inspections and leading to more successful harvestings in the future utilizing both professional diving services and trained CLPA volunteers.

Submitted 9-22-16 by T. Nelson

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Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

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