The lake remains in excellent condition for another year!

The Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. (CLPA) remains focused on maintaining the high quality of Crystal Lake with the help of our partnerships with the Town of Barton and the State of Vermont. Our Aquatic Nuisance Control Grant from the state combined with our financial support from the Town enable us to continue to conduct a successful program focusing on these areas:

Boat inspections by through our greeter program.
Diver surveys of the lake.
Harvesting of any milfoil found in shallow areas of the lake as well as in the outlet area.
Public education efforts.

This past season divers from AE Commercial Diving Services of Manchester Ctr., VT conducted two diver surveys and plant harvesting sessions. The spring survey found no milfoil on the south end of the lake and milfoil in the outlet on the North end. Divers harvested removed approximately 3 gallons of milfoil from the outlet. The fall survey found the south end clean again and divers harvested 12 gallons of milfoil from the outlet in the north end. The CLPA has received positive feedback that our ongoing program is a very successful one and we are encouraged to stay vigilant with our efforts.

Professional Diver expenses were $950.00 for the season. The boat inspections by our greeters remain a critical part of our program. Annual payroll expenses funding the greeters amounted to $12,678.59.
The greeters start inspections on Memorial Day weekend from 6am-6pm and continue these 7 days a week through the Labor Day holiday. Inspections continue beyond Labor Day if monies are available. This season there were 1,017 watercraft inspections, an increase over the 848 the prior year. Greeters were able to intercept 4 vessels carrying noxious weeds. Andy Treiber continues to coordinate the greater program and is a major reason for its success. Andy makes sure the greeters scheduled and on the job, and has even provided transportation if needed. Andy paid $750 as coordinator of the greeter program.
The association believes that the higher number of inspections resulting in lower numbers of aquatic nuisance weed interceptions, confirms the program’s success. We feel that the word is getting out on our efforts to protect Crystal Lake from contamination. However, our diligence must continue.

Ann Bove and Josh Mulhollem, from the state of Vermont’s Watershed Management Division, personally visited Crystal Lake this season in support of our program. They were pleased with our efforts to keep the lake clean and Ann told us that she could see a major improvement the lake’s conditions from previous years. Once again this season, several volunteers organized a effort to pull milfoil in the outlet. This effort was much appreciated and at no expense to the association.

Residents and the public are encouraged to learn more about our program and association at the CLPA website: The association supports and maintains the website for the public at approximately $125 per year.

Kristin Atwood from the Town of Barton’s municipal office serves as the CLPA treasurer and liaison with the Vermont Dept of Environmental Conservation and provides excellent assistance with the grant management and financial accounting of the CLPA. She is paid as treasurer $450 for the year for her professional services. Other expenses include Liability and Workman’s Compensation insurance at a cost of $1,138 per year.

The CLPA Annual meeting took place on August 15, 2015 at the Pageant Park Pavilion. Dean Lawes was elected President, Tom Nelson, a new property owner on the lake, elected Vice President, Tim Brown was elected as a new director while Rene Leblanc and Rod Ely to serve as director. Karen Brown was elected as association secretary. Thanks were given to outgoing President Tim Brown, secretary Carla Ely, and retiring director Rick Ferlazo for their years of volunteer service.

The CLPA board appreciates, and depends upon the strong support of the Town of Barton. Efforts will be made again this year to request that the town appropriate funds to continue our mission to protect Crystal Lake. This year CLPA will request an appropriation of $12,000 from the town.

The CLPA total annual expenses for 2015 came to $16,659.68

The CLPA and its volunteer directors appreciate support from all their neighbors, family and friends in keeping the association strong and Crystal Lake clean!

Dean Lawes
CLPA President 2016

Help support us!

Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

$20, $50, $100..


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