Dear Crystal Lake Friends & Neighbors:

The 4th of July has gone by already, we’ve had hot weather, and summer has arrived. Our picnic is coming up on July 24th.

 Time to continue enjoying another beautiful Crystal Lake summer and good things ahead. The CLPA Greeter program started, and the Crystal Lake Preservation Association is back at work on Aquatic Nuisance Control efforts to keep our lake clear. We got through a tough 2020 and Vermont DEC and our association are both strong. PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING the CLPA or RENEWING YOUR Annual Membership for 2021!  Lake property owners, residents, visitors, and friends are all welcome to join. Dues go directly to ANC efforts and programs. Complete information is found at:

We thank you for great your support!  

Sincerely yours,

Thomas Nelson

CLPA 2020-2021 President

Barton, Vermont


Help support us!

Crystal Lake Preservation Assoc. relies on the generous donations to fight and educate people about the Eurasian Milfoil invasion.

$20, $50, $100..


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